November 2011

Which Eclipse should I download for Android Apps ?


Which eclipse should i download for Android Apps If you would like to start develop an Android Apps, the first documents you read is  the Hello, World from  Android Developers. They will assume that you are using Eclipse and suggest you develop using Eclipse, but doesn’t not suggest which Eclipse that you should download. You will open the website …

Which Eclipse should I download for Android Apps ? Read More »


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A trolley is a small vehicle with wheels that can carry things. People can push trolleys.

Why I cannot speak to Speaktoit Assistant ?

Speaktoit Assistant

What is Speaktoit Assistant ? Talking buddy for your smartphone. Answers questions, performs tasks, notifies. Speaktoit Assistant is a virtual buddy for your Android device that uses natural language technology to answer questions, find information, launch apps and connect you with various web services, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and many others.