Samsung Galaxy Tab

It will be launch on 2, September 2010 Navigation HD Movie Play E-reading PC-Link Web Video Call Navigation Full web browsing It is running Android 2.2, and portable 7″ screen. The specification of this model will be announced on the day the Samsung lauch. You can see the official video from Samsung.

Generate Shorewall blacklist from Spamhaus and DShield

vi /etc/shorewall/makeblacklist Paste the code below, and save it. #!/bin/sh echo “#ADDRESS/SUBNET PROTOCOL PORT” > /tmp/blacklist wget -q -O – | awk –posix ‘/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.0\t/ { print $1 “/24”;}’ >> /tmp/blacklist wget -q -O – | awk –posix ‘/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\// { print $1;}’ >> /tmp/blacklist echo “#LAST LINE — ADD YOUR ENTRIES BEFORE THIS ONE …

Generate Shorewall blacklist from Spamhaus and DShield Read More »

[Solved]Package adobe-flashplugin is virtual on 64bit Ubuntu 10.04

I’m setting up 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 LTS today and received this error “adobe-flashplugin is virtual”, which is listed here: The fix was simple. Following the directions found here: You just need to install the 64 bit version from the PPA by executing the following:


What is AUXTIN in CPUID Hardware Monitor ? It is northbridge temperature. Why your AUXTIN temperature so high ?