wpid3120 DSC3740

Lamina Film – The World No. 1 Window Film

Lamina Film – The World No. 1 Window Film

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After I change my old Lamina film to the new one, they put a sticker on the windows button to prevent I open the windows for 7 days.
It wrote that Lamina Film – The World No. 1 Window Film .

I surprise, am I using the World No. 1 Window Film ? I’m still wondering.

Here is their Lamina official website
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wpid3116 DSC3738
ISO 2500 f/1.4 1/50sec

wpid3118 DSC3739
ISO 500 f/1.4 1/50sec

wpid3120 DSC3740
ISO 560 f/2 1/50sec


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